Brooklyn Darkchild

Books2Mention is honored to have Brooklyn Darkchild as our featured author this month. We truly appreciate her willingness to set aside some time to interview with us.
Brooklyn Darkchild's gritty debut novel,This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story has been described as "raw," "hard hitting," and "pulling no punches." It won the 2008 Reader Views Book of the Year Award in Great Lakes/Regional category and placed thirds in the Spiritual/Religion category.
In September 2009 Brooklyn released This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story Pt 2, which is the exciting sequel to her first book.
B2M proudly presents our exclusive interview with Brooklyn Darkchild.
Welcome to Books2Mention Magazine. Congratulations on the success of your books.
B2M: When did you discover your gift for writing?
BROOKLYN: In high school. I can’t remember why but I wrote this story about a boy who buys a wedding ring for his mother. People liked it so much that they printed it in the school yearbook. The following year the exact same thing happened with another story. Before I knew it, I was the “School Writer.” Those same characters are still in my work today. I had my Haters though: My English teacher thought the story was “heavy handed” and amateurish.”
B2M: What is your formula for creating stories that truly portray the ups and downs of love?
BROOKLYN: It’s not so much a Formula, I’d call it more of a Drive: what I want to do is tell honest stories that everyone can relate to. I’ve read too many love stories with too many “Who Does That” moments to believe in formulas.
Good stories come from the gut. Everybody gets mad. Everybody says things they wish they hadn’t and probably didn’t even mean. Some people throw stuff, some people throw punches. And the best literature reflects life the way it really is.
B2M: What do you hope readers will gain from reading your books?
BROOKLYN: Every book I write has a message about the redemptive power of love. No one is ever so far gone that s/he can’t be saved, and some of the people in my books are WILD. This Ain’t No…Pt 1 explores skin color conflicts and the effect that being motherless has on one’s ability to love. Pt 2 shows that love may not conquer all, but it’s powerful enough to bring you back from anywhere, even the brink of madness. The ultimate message is learning to love and accept yourself for who you are, because that’s what God does: He loves you just as you are. It sounds deep, but the story is told so humorously you can’t help but laugh, even when you know you should be crying.
B2M: Do you have a special ritual in place when writing, that allows you to tap into your creative energy?
BROOKLYN: I wish I did: it would be easier to control. My stories sneak up on me like muggers or purse-snatchers and hit me in the head with ideas screaming to be written down. This usually happens in the middle of the night, when I’m way too tired to get up and start the computer. If I don’t though, I’ll lose some great story lines.
B2M: What has been a career high for you, thus far?
BROOKLYN: Winning the Reader Views Book of the Year Award in 2008. My book had only been out a few months, and this was the first literary contest I’d ever entered. For me it was such a Validation; that professionals in my field thought my work was noteworthy. Being featured by a hometown publication as the author of the month like the Cincinnati Defender is running a pretty Close Second though, and I really want to thank Books2Mention for the opportunity.
B2M: Is there a particular author that you most admire, that has influenced your writing style?
BROOKLYN: I’m a big fan of Bebe Moore Campbell: I think she died way too soon, but the book that grabbed me by my shoulders and inspired me to write was Disappearing Acts by Terry McMillan. Zora went through some Stuff. Love did not Conquer All for her; and in no way, shape, form or fashion did it turn out the way she thought it would.
B2M: What are your aspirations as an author?
BROOKLYN: To change the reader’s life. I want my readers to laugh so hard they lose it; to cry so much they gotta grab a mop; but most of all I want to inspire my readers to think, and not merely entertain them. If I’m doing my job right, my stories will stay with the readers long after they put the book down.
B2M: Outside of writing what are your other interest?
BROOKLYN: I’m a voracious reader and an online book reviewer on Goodreads.com. And as a lifelong daycare teacher I’m also passionate about quality daycare and children’s rights. A heartless teacher can literally jack up a child’s entire life; there’s no excuse for that.
B2M: What would you like to say to readers who have not had the opportunity to read your work?
BROOKLYN: Read my book, of course! I know people are a little leery of untried authors, and rightly so. And I know every author thinks his or her book is the Greatest Book In The World. But Reader Views voted This Ain’t No Hearts and Flowers Love Story Book of the Year for a reason. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever read before. It will draw you in; grip you tight and never let up. It’ll leave you breathless. Still not convinced? Read an excerpt. They’re on my website, my MySpace and on my Goodreads profile. You can purchase my book on Amazon.com at http://tiny.cc/AMAZON479 or http://tiny.cc/vw8LS.
B2M: Are you currently working on a new project?
BROOKLYN: My next book is called We Still Ain’t Got This Right. I don’t want to give too much away, but after all that happened to Princess in This Ain’t No…Pt 2, Obie and Princess are on a quest to get her career back on track. If that’s really what Princess wants, why is she still so unhappy? Then, with Rocky involved in the fight of his life against HIV/AIDS, Princess draws close to him again, leaving Obie out in the cold. How much can one relationship take? Find out this November…
Brooklyn we encourage you to continue writing great books that portray real love stories. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks for interviewing with Books2Mention Magazine. Please be sure to come back again and keep readers informed about all of your future endeavors.
Much Success To You!
The Staff @ Books2Mention Magazine
You are welcome to visit the website of Brooklyn Darkchild at www.BrooklynDarkchild.com.
Books by Brooklyn Darkchild include:

This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story Pt 1
This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story Pt 2
We Still Ain't Got This Right (Coming Soon)
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