Angela Stanton
Books2Mention is honored to feature Angela Stanton, the author of Lies of a Real House Wife: Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil. It is a memoir in which the author reveals a past relationship with Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta star, Phaedra Parks.
Angela is married and the mother of five children. She has endured and survived some extraordinary difficulties in her life. Now that she has overcome these obstacles she has decided to utilize her platform to empower the lives of those who may be suffering from similar circumstances.
B2M presents our exclusive interview with Angela Stanton.
B2M: Welcome to Books2Mention Magazine.
Please tell our readers about your new book, Lies of a Real House Wife: Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil.
ANGELA: Tell the Truth and Shame The Devil is a memoir of my life. It’s the story of a young woman who refused to give up and eventually made it against all odds. Starting at the age of 5, I have endured many of life's heartaches, molestation, rape, abandonment, abuse, betrayal, imprisonment, and many more that lie within the pages of this book. But through it all I remained faithful and I kept pressing.
B2M: It is said that, people come into your life for a season for a reason. What lesson did you gain from your past relationship with Phaedra Parks?
ANGELA: I learned to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. I learned that relationships are very important. Loyalty is very important; but most of all I've learned that we should all treat people the way that we want to be treated. Simply because, the ones you see on the way up, will be the ones you see on the way down.
B2M: You appear to be very open about your past experiences. Was it difficult laying your soul so bare, so to speak?
ANGELA: No it was not. I say that simply because I have always wanted my voice heard. When I was molested at such a young age; I was told that I had to be quiet about what happened to me. I didn't like that. I didn't believe that was fair. So I walked around daily with an inner conflict. Finally being given a chance to tell my story is a form of healing for me.
B2M: How did you begin to pick up the pieces of your life after undergoing several setbacks?
ANGELA: Through a lot of prayer! And the mere fact that I knew my children were innocent and deserved a better life. I knew that the life of my children depended on me. But not just my children, I wanted to help all the children that have been labeled "troubled" just as I was. It was very important to me for children and adults to see that people do make mistakes and people often times fall. But if you learn from your mistakes and turn your negative into a positive, you can actually have an affect on the world and help the world become a better place.
B2M: You are the founder of Don’t Ask Just Tell. Please tell our readers about this organization.
ANGELA: DAJT is a non-profit organization that helps & caters to victims of abuse. I created this non-profit so that I could be a voice for the silent. I want people to open up and talk about any type of abuse they have endured from anyone. I woke up one morning and realized that I didn't want to grow old one day and be a miserable old lady because I had carried excess baggage for so many years. Trash needs to be taken out, if not, it will start to smell and deteriorate. In other words; many of our past hurts I like to refer to it as trash can become very detrimental to our well-being. So to keep it short and sweet DAJT is all about Stopping the Silence. When we stop the silence we protect the next person from becoming victimized.
B2M: How fulfilling is it to be in a position to help and uplift others who are dealing with similar situations that you have experienced?
ANGELA: It is very fulfilling and rewarding. It heals me and gives me strength. Knowing that everything I went through was for a reason, even if the reason was just so I could keep my own child or someone else's child from making the same mistakes, it makes it all worth it. I never want any person to endure the things I have in my life.
B2M: You previously wrote Life Beyond These Walls. Please tell us a little about this book.
ANGELA: Life Beyond These Walls was written when I was in prison. It’s a book filled with stories from women of all walks of life, different races, religions, & different crimes. They all vividly open up and talk about their lives; their childhood and whatever it was that they believed put them on a path to prison. They also send a very important message to the reader, "Don't walk in my shoes!"
B2M: What message do you hope your books will convey to readers?
ANGELA: Never Ever Ever Ever give up! You were NOT a mistake! God sent us all here for a reason, find your purpose and live in it!
B2M: What can we expect from you next?
ANGELA: A Stop the Silence Tour! A city-to-city tour. Powerful women in the public eye with awesome stories of redemption and deliverance!!! And many more books!!! Stop the Silence!
B2M: Angela we commend you on your determination and dedication to stopping the silence with your Don't Ask Just Tell organization. We also encourage you to continue writing books that spread awareness of childhood sexual abuse and its social impact.
Thanks for interviewing with Books2Mention Magazine. Please be sure to come back again and keep readers informed about all of your future endeavors.
Much Success To You!
The Staff @ Books2Mention Magazine
You are welcome to visit the website of Angela Stanton at www.AngelaStanton.webs.com and also the website of the Don't Ask Just Tell Organization at www.DontAskJustTell.org.
Books by Angela Stanton include:
Lies of A Real House Wife: Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil
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